Thursday, April 21, 2011

Book Reading 51 – Living With Complexity

Chapter 1 – Why Is Complexity Necessary?

Norman explains the difference between a design being complex and a design being complicated.  He states that complex things exist because our lives are very complex.  There is no getting around the complex design of a jet cockpit control panel because the complexity of the technology requires it.  Good design can help alleviate how complicated the control panel is to individuals trained to use it.  Poor design on the other hand can make simple and complex things more complicated and overwhelming than they have to be.

As common sense as some of this sounds, there are too many examples of bad design for this to be completely trivial.  If the design is created correctly, something as complex as video encoding software can be made simple to use.  But something as simple as a door can be complicated to use when the design is poorly executed.

Chapter 2 – Simplicity is in the Mind

Norman discusses the importance of the conceptual model.  At a glance, complex things can be difficult to manage.  But with a proper conceptual design,  a deeper understanding of the complexities of the situation can help make an intuitive design that alleviates the chance of it being complicated.  Over simplification can be detrimental just as an overabundance of features can as well.  The trick is to manage complexity with good design that will then yield better usability.

The first thing I like to do before starting a program is to think for awhile and come up with a plan for how to best arrange and tackle the problem.  This usually entails drawing sketches and diagrams too.  Many people probably go about this process in the same way, and this is because having a conceptual model for a design is so important.  In the earlier days of programming, a lot of us probably just start writing code and came up with ideas on the fly.  The downside to this the inevitable roadblocks that will occur from different parts not fitting together properly.  This wastes time and can generate unnecessary complications in order to make quick fixes for the problems.

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