Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Book Reading 35 – Obedience to Authority

Chapter 1 – The Dilemma of Obedience

Milgrim explains what obedience is exactly and how it is more complicated than most seem to think.  There are numerous factors that go into how and why a person acts obediently.  He also explains the shock experiment and how it compared to the Nazi’s following orders in Jewish concentration camps.

I really don’t have much to say here.  It was interesting hearing Milgrim’s exact words about his experiment.  We already heard a big discussion on it in Opening Skinner’s Box, so this almost seemed like review.

Chapter 2 – Method of Inquiry

Milgrim explained the details of setting up his experiment.  He explained his reasoning behind grabbing subjects from the surrounding area instead of undergraduates.  He also said how he used actors for some roles and how the various machines and parts were used in the experiment.

This again feels a bit like a review from the previous reading.  It is nice to see his exact thoughts and reasoning behind why he structured certain parts like he did.  The extra detail helps to paint a better picture of what is going on.

Chapter 3 – Expected Behavior

As the title suggests, this chapter discusses the expected behavior of the subjects.  This also applies to how the subjects predicted most of the other subjects would react.  Milgrim also presented charts and graphs representing this data.

It was nice getting actual details about the reactions of the subjects and real testimonials of their reactions.  It was interesting to see how many people also assumed others would be good natured and how this ended up being a reflection on how they viewed themselves.

Chapter 4 – Closeness of the Victim

During the actual experiment, well over half of the subjects finished the experiment and applied the maximum voltage to the victim.  However, these people did show strong signs of stress during the process.  Additional experiments were done to make the victim more personable.  When the subjects were within touching distance of the victim, only 30-40% of them finished the experiment.

I don’t recall if the latter experiments were discussed very much in Opening Skinner’s Box, but I find the results really intriguing.  When the subjects were far away from the victim, it was easier to dehumanize them and continue the shocks.

Chapter 5 – Individuals Confront Authority

Milgrim outlined some of the responses of the subjects.  Realizing that more goes into a person than just whether or not they obeyed or disobeyed, he had a profile for a handful of the subjects as well as how they reacted during the experiment and what they said during and after the experiment was finished.

This was really fascinating to see exactly how people reacted during the experiment.  I also really appreciated getting specific background on the subjects and specifically how they behaved while the experiment was being carried out.

Chapter 6 – Further Variations and Controls

Other variations of the experiment were discussed and their respective results.  Most of the variations did not affect the results that much.  However, when the experimenter was removed from the room and when the subject had to choose to voltage levels themselves, this caused a sharp decrease in obedience.

This was a very interesting chapter.  The graphs and charts really make it clear how different some of the experiments are.  The obedience is highly influenced by authority presence, as well as not feeling personally responsible for the actions being executed.

Chapter 7 – Individuals Confront Authority II

This is another round of subject backgrounds with their reactions to the experiment.  Only one is of the increased reactions of the victim, while the rest are of the female version of the experiment.  It basically demonstrated how the women behaved just like the men.  Everyone can be just as susceptible to the obedience conundrum.

This was yet again interesting just like the previous chapter explaining reactions.  What is most impressive is how much everyone regardless of sex is vulnerable to authority.  But it was also intriguing to see how one of the guys talked and objected to what was going but still ended up finishing the experiment fully.

Chapter 8 – Role Permutations

This chapter explained some different combinations of the previous experiments.  The general theme seems to be that most subjects are looking for anyone to justify their natural want to not do harm.  The moment anything or anyone agrees with this, the subjects stop and disobey.  This also happens when the experimenter does not seem credible.  This can clearly be seen when the learner is demanding to be shocked, an ordinary man gives orders, the authority is the victim, and when there are two contradictory authority figures.

What this all seemed to prove to me is that authority can be extremely fragile.  Even when the subjects were obeying, they still had their own thoughts.  All most of them needed were the slightest hint of justification of their view and they stopped.  And if the authority figure was not credible, the subjects lost faith in them and did not listen to what they said.  This was especially true when the experimenter was the victim.  These were very interesting findings.

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